About jamesedgar

I was born on February 22, 1970, and I think
I started being a sports fanatic a day or two after that.
Born and raised around Dayton, OH, I started out a Cincinnati
Reds fan. In addition to a love of sports, I developed a love
for being an antagonist and a sharp tongue. I have lived in
Charlotte, NC since graduating from high school in 1988. If
it’s a sport, I watch it and have a favorite – baseball
(Indians), college and pro football (Auburn, Panthers),
college and pro hoops (Charlotte 49ers and Bobcats), NASCAR
(Dale Earnhardt Jr.), golf (Tiger, of course), and even
occasionally hockey (as long as the Carolina Hurricanes are
any good). I am married with no children. I also try to spend
as much time as I can in spiritual study, and if I’m going to
the movies, it’s likely to see something stupid/funny.


All kinds of sports – baseball, football
& basketball (pro and college), NASCAR, golf – stupid
movies, spiritual study